
DarrowEverett’s Environmental Practice Group provides legal guidance in this heavily regulated and continually evolving industry. We assist companies, developers, and investors across numerous industries navigate state and federal environmental regulations, remediation obligations, compliance and enforcement actions, redevelopment incentives, liability concerns, legislative and public policy measures, litigation, and related transactional matters. The DE team stays up to date on new and emerging developments in the environmental law field, allowing us to handle the intricate interplay of environmental laws with property transactions, financing, management, and redevelopment.

The DarrowEverett Environmental Team advises on the full spectrum of environmental fields—air quality and climate change, stormwater and wetlands, private indemnifications and ongoing liability concerns, brownfields redevelopment and incentives, infrastructure and permitting, land use, and more.

Our Environmental Team consistently collaborates across all our practices: Technology, Regulatory and Compliance, Commercial Real Estate, Private Equity, Corporate, Tax, and Litigation Practices, bringing decades of advisory experience to our clients.
DarrowEverett handles an array of environmental matters, including:

  • Regulatory Compliance & Permitting
  • Brownfields Development
  • Defense of Enforcement Actions
  • Diligence Review
  • Federal Environmental Reviews & Best Practices
  • Local Land Use Approvals
  • Debt and Equity Finance
  • Joint Ventures & other Equity Holder Arrangements
  • Reorganizations
  • Environmental Regulatory Counseling
  • Transactions
  • Related Litigation
  • Crisis Prevention & Response

Practice Leader

Jon M. Restivo - Chief Administrative Officer, Managing Partner


Jon M. Restivo, Managing Partner, is DarrowEverett’s Chief Administrative Officer and a Practice Leader for the Firm’s Energy & Infrastructure and Environmental Practice Groups, where he regularly leads projects advising clients on environmental and energy-related regulatory matters. In connection with that work, Jon has developed an advanced renewable energy practice as he has assisted numerous regional and national clients in their efforts to permit, develop and finance solar projects – offering unique insight based on...

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Contact our Environmental Group.

Please contact us to let us know how DarrowEverett can serve you.

DE Insights

Our team wants you to stay informed about legal and regulatory developments that impact your business.

Closing with Confidence: Representations and Warranties Insurance in M&A

Representations and warranties insurance (RWI) has become an increasingly common feature in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions, serving as a risk management tool for both buyers and sellers. RWI facilitates deal-making by offering protection against financial losses arising from breaches or inaccuracies of the representations and warranties made by the seller in the transaction documents,…
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Survival Periods and Delaware’s Statute of Limitations in M&A

Delaware is well known as a favored jurisdiction for mergers and acquisition deals, and for good reason — the jurisdiction’s business-friendly legal environment offers numerous efficiencies and predictability. Attorneys and their clients alike favor both increasing efficiencies and achieving predictability in how deal documents would be analyzed if there is ever a dispute. As a…
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What Texas Court’s Decision on Non-Competes Means for Businesses

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) ambitious attempt to implement a nationwide ban on non-compete agreements (with limited exceptions) has hit a significant legal roadblock. On August 20, 2024, U.S. District Judge Ada Brown of the Northern District of Texas issued a ruling that permanently enjoins the enforcement of the FTC’s proposed ban on a nationwide…
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