Survival Periods and Delaware’s Statute of Limitations in M&A

Delaware is well known as a favored jurisdiction for mergers and acquisition deals, and for good reason — the jurisdiction’s business-friendly legal environment offers numerous efficiencies and predictability. Attorneys and their clients alike favor both increasing efficiencies and achieving predictability in how deal documents would be analyzed if there is ever a dispute. As a…

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New York Times vs. OpenAI: Fair Use Fight with Billions at Stake

On the third day of Christmas, Microsoft Corp. (“Microsoft”) and OpenAI, Inc. (together with its named affiliates, “OpenAI”) didn’t get any French hens: Instead, the software giant and leading artificial intelligence research and deployment company were named as defendants in a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by The New York Times (the “Times”) in the United…

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Danger, Does Not Compute: SEC Takes Aim at Predictive Data Analytics Per Proposed Rules

On July 26, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), in a 3-2 vote, issued a release (the “Release”) containing proposed rules to address conflicts of interest associated with broker dealers’ and investment advisers’ use of predictive data analytics (“PDA”) technologies, and PDA-like technologies, when interacting with investors.[1] The SEC’s proposed rules amend Rules 151-2,…

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How Earnout Provisions Can Supply Great Value for Buyers, Sellers

Earnout provisions can be an effective tool for addressing the potential disconnect between a seller’s expectations and a buyer’s ability to pay when negotiating a business combination transaction. Earnout provisions, or contingent purchase price agreements, allow buyers to limit their upfront payment and spread the purchase price over time. From the seller’s perspective, earnouts can…

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What’s Worse: The Pain or the Hangover? Brand Endorsements in the Fallout of Yeezy

“And I heard ‘em say, nothin’ ever promised tomorrow today;” [1] That is, unless, that promise was memorialized into a properly drafted and negotiated brand licensing agreement. Brand licensing agreements are essential for companies that want to create a successful, long-term business strategy. Licensing allows companies to leverage a brand’s image, reputation, and power to…

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Naked Licensing: That’s Your Name, So Don’t Wear It Out

From multinational corporations to franchises to non-profits, there is a lot that goes into building your brand and a positive brand association among consumers. As a company looks to growth strategies, it will consider different ways to develop its brand’s reach, such as expanding its market presence by allowing third parties to use, market, or…

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